Sunday, June 1, 2008

Baptist family

A family that happened to be very strong in their Baptist faith, decided
they wanted to get a pet. They had one requirement -- the pet had to be
Baptist, also!

So one day they drove to the pet store where they proceeded to ask the

"Do you have any Baptist dogs for sale, by any chance?"

Surprised by the question, the pet shop owner looked around his shop and
thought about it for a while and finally nodded, saying,

"Wait... a.... minute...... yes, I think we just might have a dog that
could fit your description."

The owner walks over to a group of cages and brings out a small dog to
the family, and the father says,

"We need to see if this is a real Baptist dog." So the father says to
the dog, "Go find a bible."

Unbelievablly, the dog runs out of the pet store, down the street, and
into a church.....returning with.....of all things....a bible in its
mouth! He runs up to the family and plops down the book at their feet.

Genuinely impressed, the father continues,

"Let's see if this dog knows its books of the bible, tho... 'Turn to
the book of Psalms,'" he commands the dog.

The dog immediately opens the bible with its snout and paws through the
pages....stopping when it reaches Psalms.

Very pleased, the father buys the dog for his family and they bring it
home. The next day, the family has visitors. Proudly, the family shows
off their little Baptist dog and the things it could do.

Finally, the friends of the family ask, "Nice! But, can it do any other
tricks that normal dogs do?"

The Baptist father wondered and said, "Hmm, I don't know. We've never
tried any other commands." He then orders the dog, "Heel."

Suddenly the dog leaps onto the father's lap and places its paw on the
man's head and starts to pray.

"Wait..... a..... minute!" exclaim the friends of the family.

"That dog isn't Baptist!..... It's Pentecostal!"

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